in Career Quotes Posts Life Changing Techniques: I’m going to a run some distance – whatever I can manage – five times a week Facebook Twitter Pinterest Reddit WhatsApp Skype Facebook Messenger LinkedIn Digg Tumblr Gmail Email Evernote PocketInstead of saying, “I’m going to run a marathon,” go for, “I’m going to a run some distance–whatever I can manage–five times a week.” Facebook Twitter Pinterest Reddit WhatsApp Skype Facebook Messenger LinkedIn Digg Tumblr Gmail Email Evernote Pocket Previous Post← Life Changing Techniques: Shielding your brain from the terror of forever Life Changing Techniques: Shielding your brain from the terror of forever Next PostLife Changing Techniques: When establishing a behavior, your best bet is to link it to an already established habit → Life Changing Techniques: When establishing a behavior, your best bet is to link it to an already established habit